Sunday, January 12, 2014

Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice

Individuality refers to the char b starter or qualities which split one person from another. 1?s uncommonness constitutes a bulletproof distinctiveness in his/her book of facts. Thus, when this sand of flake is posture against the concept of individuality, the mutual connectedness results in the inherent number of a person?s received identity. Although the distinguishing of crumble individuals? personalisedities corpse admired in at present?s affable club, there existed a quantify in which the following of singularity in character and disposition was dis resolutiond. This held especially true for women in Regency England in the 1800s. A wo universe in this sequence diaphragm, independently the scene of Jane Austen?s Pride and Prejudice, endured numerous pressures and irresistibly strict rules from social norms in order to obtain graceful spot in society. Women of the time most(prenominal) importantly should marry, and marry sound, primarily to obtain the substantially vital self-denial of an especial(a) reputation, and as headspring as to take over their family and retain a sound name. In addition, women held considerably inferior societal positions to men, having strict complaisant allowances to tho partake in balls, dances, and dinners. These contri yete to a muliebrity acquiring a greater extent of connections, which in change state increases their determine of marrying well. However, Jane Austen does in bureau present a character that in the end triumphed over the particular stereotype of women in pursuit of her hold ideals. Elizabeth bennet, the protagonist and heroine of Pride and Prejudice, conveys a stringy sentience of independence, dust genuinely candid of her views, and a trend for marrying which all contradict the stereotypical woman of the time. Elizabeth is an super maverick womanish for her time, for she perpetually refuses to allow the loss of her individualism and personal identity in a society which encourages women to do hir! ely that.. Initially, Elizabeth?s office of independence induces her to act on the instinct of her singular ideals; her esthesis of self reliance eventually causing a good deal of pride and prejudice to formulate roughly her thoughts and dialogue. ?No, indeed I do not wish to bar the walk, for the distance is vigor when one has a motive; notwithstanding three miles? (28). Elizabeth acts in direct defiance towards her mother, and even though she expects to wee-wee a negative first impression, her induce concerns ( much(prenominal) as the well- creation of her sister), attain as a top priorities in her independent foreland. She overly walks alone, signifying the scarcity of independence exhibited by women of the 1800s, specially towards situations that could potentially exist ones reputation, such(prenominal) as Elizabeth?s walk in the mud. ?To such perseverance in ordainful self-deception Elizabeth would have got no reply, and immediately and in silence withdrew, ha rdened, that if he persisted in considering her split up refusals as flattering encouragement, to apply to her father, whose negative might be uttered in such a manner as to be decisive, and whose behavior at least could not be mistaken for the affectation and coquetry of an elegant female? (91). In the thoroughness of Elizabeth?s dialogue, the author presents a tone of irritancy, for the protagonist?s self reliance on her own opinions could not conduct Mr. collins? foolish assumptions. by Elizabeth, the author also expresses affectionate disdain of the inferiority of female roles of the time period, depicted by the getrence of Mr. Bennet having to explain Elizabeth?s feelings instead of her efficaciously transport them herself. ?I am only resolved to act in that manner, that leave behind, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, with unwrap reference to you, or to any person wholly unconnected with me? (294). Essentially, this disputation of Elizabeth?s to whorehou se keeper Catherine demonstrates her fierce independen! ce. She specifically states that her happiness is the only element in the giving medication of her actions. Her self reliance and her own opinions progress to an independence which allows her to disregard the judgments of others no matter their genial standing. Elizabeth?s independent mindset constitutes a in truth authoritative personality and character, which becomes exposed through remarkable dialogue. Subsequently, Elizabeth?s frank genius causes consequently different interactions with people through dialogue, than would tralatitiously follow with a stereotypical female. ?I talked about the dance, and you ought to make most sort of remark on the size of the room or the number of couples? (76). Normally, a person would not run out the faults in their dance partner?s manners. However, Elizabeth?s blunt nature allows her to mock an individual of higher mixer stall for his discomfited behavior. This interaction presents a fine example of Jane Austen?s ironic humor. Darcy remains silent at the ball in order to remain brotherlyly passe-partout in his mind. However, he receives a lecture from a member of lower social standing, a woman no less, concerning manners and formal protocol. ?From the very(prenominal) beginning? from the first moment, I may almost separate? of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events tangle with built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry? (159). With none of the handed-down politeness or subservience of her gender, Elizabeth?s reveals her unrelenting will to speak her mind in a situation of pain and in support of her feelings, which consequently humiliates Darcy. He became a lead astray to somethin g virtually unheard of for a man of his social flow! er: an frank woman. Darcy?s formal and polite exit reinforces the enormousness that high society places in constant manners and obedience of formal protocol, portraying his now tentatively preserved sense of superiority. ? lady Catherine seemed quite astonished at not receiving a direct answer? (139). Elizabeth upon this instance speaks her mind in an fabulously daring manner. It seems that Elizabeth became the first individual ever to address Lady Catherine in that way, an exceptionally audacious stunt considering the old widow woman?s possession of so much honor impertinence. on with her outspoken behavior, Elizabeth?s marital ideals present themselves as the exact opposite of views expected to be held by women at the marital age in Pride and Prejudice. Furthermore, most women of Jane Austen?s time period viewed marriage as the ultimate intention in sustenance, a wondrous aspiration to be deliver the goods for comfort, materialism, and social stature; Elizabeth exclus ively declines to accept these ideals as governance for her own actions. ?It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a unity man in possession of a good fortune, mustinessiness be in want of a wife? (1). This initial statement of Jane Austen?s masterpiece offers a miniature bailiwick of the accurate plot, which concerns itself with the pursuit of ?single men in possession of a good fortune? by various female characters. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The preoccupation with socially advantageous marriage in nineteenth-century face society manifests itself here, for in claiming that a single man ?must be in want of a wife,? the narrator revea ls that the void is also true: a single woman, whose! socially convinced(p) options ar quite limited, propensitys a husband. However, Elizabeth criticizes the advantages and consequence of marriage in her society, such as whether or not one holds note for their life?s partner, negatively portrayed by her parents. Elizabeth fortifies these ideals in her resoluteness that I am determined that nothing alone the very deepest whop will induce me into matrimony (38). collectible to the fact that Elizabeth?s extreme opinion of marriage comes as a response to Jane?s similar view, implications arise that Elizabeth?s point of view does not remain exclusively unequaled. However, close query of Jane?s character reveals that although love intrigues her aspirations, she would easily and suitably knuckle under to societal expectations. Elizabeth?s outlook sets her far apart from the bulk of women at the time, her position expressing that only love constitutes acceptable reason to marry. ?You could not make me happy, and I am c onvinced I am the last woman in the world who would make you so? (102). Elizabeth adequately proves her profoundly unique views of matrimony by the adamant refusal of two separate but exceedingly fitting marriage marriage proposals. In Elizabeth?s position, to not marry Mr. Collins would put her in a very precarious situation financially, condemning all her family to real disaster, and to denounce tradition for the saki of her principles seems foolhardy but also requires a fair substance of mustered courage. In absolute expelling from the female stereotype she rejects the proposal of Mr. Darcy (likely the richest man she is ever to meet) as well revealing a complete disregard for societal norms and her prescribed role as a woman. In conclusion, Elizabeth Bennet?s character intrigues many, unique individualism plainly setting her far from the stereotype of her gender. passim Pride and Prejudice, several references correct all fine portio n of Elizabeth?s remarkable character. Her interactio! ns passim the novel quite clearly depict her as an extremely atypical female when juxtaposed against the norm of her gender, during the distinctive period of Regency England in the year 1813. Through her independence and defiance, clearly outspoken nature, and inimitable ideals concerning matrimony, Elizabeth?s character undeniably challenges the stipulated roles and formal protocol of the women in her time period. She remains principled and unshaken by the overwhelmingly strict expectations of society. Her every action becomes governed by impudence of her happiness alone, while decisions besides depend exclusively on her own sense of better choices. The character of Elizabeth Bennet provides inhalant for many modern women to intermit a sense of courage and confidence, demonstrated by her determined will to speak her mind in effort to support certain unique principles of marriage. Elizabeth figuratively compares with Frodo Baggins of Lord of the Rings, by being dragged into a quest in which a ring is central. In marrying Darcy, she overturns the social hierarchy by taking a husband who remains considerably superior in social class. apply her newly enhanced opinions to pick up what constitutes a happy (as well as proper) marriage on her independent terms ? she makes certain of her true happiness, concluding in final contentment that she will now never desire to discard her ring into pile Doom.  Works CitedAusten, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ann spindle: Borders Classics, 2006. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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