Monday, December 30, 2019

Cultural Competence in Counseling - 1866 Words

Cultural competence and ethical responsibility of counselors is an issue that holds increasing importance. To be both multicultural and ethical is increasingly challenging. The population of the United States is changing quickly from a predominately white Caucasian society to an ethnically diverse society`. The Hispanic population, which represented only 9% of the population in 1990, is projected to increase to about 25% of the population by 2050. The number of African Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, and American Indians/Eskimos/Aleuts will continue to increase as well (Aponte Wohl, 2000). It has been predicted that Whites, who made up three fourths of the U.S. population in 1990, will no longer be in the majority by the†¦show more content†¦This term refers to the cognizant appreciation of forces which impact the lives of racial/ethnic minorities on a daily basis. Accreditation guidelines for graduate training programs approved by the APA Counsel of Repres entatives (APA,1996). These guidelines include cultural and individual differences and diversity which addresses characteristics such as age, color, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, and social economic status ( ) The VISION model of culture for counselors argues that popular views of multiculturalism emphasize group differences attributable to race and ethnicity, by do not appreciate the diversity within the group. This model shifts from a group level abstraction to the individual. This approach fits the need for group and individualistic considerations for counseling ethnic groups. This model directs attention to an individuals thoughts, feelings, or actions. V- Value and belief systems form the principles for keeping individuals oriented in a changing world; individuals learn to structure their phenomenal world according to values and preferences. I- Internal responses to external stimuli in an individuals phenomenal world produces interactive learning S- Structuring of an individuals phenomenal world is built on values and beliefs, which generated appropriate strategies (goal-directed behaviors). I- InteractiveShow MoreRelatedThe Definition Of Multicultural Competence873 Words   |  4 PagesThe definition of multicultural competence means in part to approach the counseling process from the context of the personal culture of the client (Sue, Arrendondo McDavis, 1994; Sue Sue, 2007). Professional ethics compel counselors to ensure that their cultural values and biases do not override those of the client (ACA, 2005). 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