Saturday, September 7, 2019

Choose one of the nine titles on subject 'theories of global politics' Essay

Choose one of the nine titles on subject 'theories of global politics' - Essay Example Is the Realist Approach to International Politics Redundant? Realism, in its simplest sense, simply describes international politics as a state of anarchy, where each and every state has reason to fear other states and, for that reason, is justified in wanting to secure itself against these potential threats. It assumes that power is or ought to be the primary driver of all political action, whether at the domestic level or international (Alexander Moseley, 2005). As eminent realist thinker Thomas Hobbes (1651) put it â€Å"where an invader hath no more to fear than another man's single power, if one plant, sow, build, or possess a convenient seat, others may probably be expected to come prepared with forces united to dispossess and deprive him, not only of the fruit of his labor, but also of his life or liberty. And the invader again is in the like danger of another† (Leviathan, Ch 13). Loosely translated, Hobbes assumed that people are naturally equal, motivated by competiti on, diffidence and glory, and that they interact in the absence of government. Hobbes concluded that man, and in turn the state, was in a constant state of war. A realist is one who subscribes to the thought that it’s a ‘dog eat dog world’, that every man has the capability to harm or destroy another while competing for the same goal which only one of them can achieve and that every other man has the tendency to be evil in such a situation. From the international perspective, there is no higher power than the state, which is motivated by its national self interest, is trying to a accomplish the same thing as other states in the world i.e. ensure its survival and in the absence of an international government, a state can pursue its national interest in terms of power and that the interests of the state transcend the issues of morality and ethics. The purpose of realism is to promote the notion that power is the fundamental feature of international politics and is therefore, essential for survival. It does not necessarily mean that the most powerful state has the greatest chances of survival. However, the state with the least power is at a considerable disadvantage among its peers. Hobbes claimed that, â€Å"even the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination, or by confederacy with others† (Leviathan, Ch 13). In other words even the strongest of states is not safe while there are other states with the potential to unite or employ less overt means of warfare against it. The limited resources of the world would lead to competition between nations, the relative equality described by Hobbes would lead to fear of assault from another country, and man’s inherent vanity would ever more serve to heighten the state of tension between nations of the world. Realism does not suggest that the nations of the world would be prepared to launch a full scale war against each other at the drop of a hat. As Jac k Donnelly explains, â€Å"We can figure out the rules of coexistence and cooperation. But without a government to enforce those rules, we remain condemned to war† (Realism and International Relations, P. 15). As long as there is no superior power to constructively tap into man’

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