Monday, December 30, 2019

Cultural Competence in Counseling - 1866 Words

Cultural competence and ethical responsibility of counselors is an issue that holds increasing importance. To be both multicultural and ethical is increasingly challenging. The population of the United States is changing quickly from a predominately white Caucasian society to an ethnically diverse society`. The Hispanic population, which represented only 9% of the population in 1990, is projected to increase to about 25% of the population by 2050. The number of African Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, and American Indians/Eskimos/Aleuts will continue to increase as well (Aponte Wohl, 2000). It has been predicted that Whites, who made up three fourths of the U.S. population in 1990, will no longer be in the majority by the†¦show more content†¦This term refers to the cognizant appreciation of forces which impact the lives of racial/ethnic minorities on a daily basis. Accreditation guidelines for graduate training programs approved by the APA Counsel of Repres entatives (APA,1996). These guidelines include cultural and individual differences and diversity which addresses characteristics such as age, color, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, and social economic status ( ) The VISION model of culture for counselors argues that popular views of multiculturalism emphasize group differences attributable to race and ethnicity, by do not appreciate the diversity within the group. This model shifts from a group level abstraction to the individual. This approach fits the need for group and individualistic considerations for counseling ethnic groups. This model directs attention to an individuals thoughts, feelings, or actions. V- Value and belief systems form the principles for keeping individuals oriented in a changing world; individuals learn to structure their phenomenal world according to values and preferences. I- Internal responses to external stimuli in an individuals phenomenal world produces interactive learning S- Structuring of an individuals phenomenal world is built on values and beliefs, which generated appropriate strategies (goal-directed behaviors). I- InteractiveShow MoreRelatedThe Definition Of Multicultural Competence873 Words   |  4 PagesThe definition of multicultural competence means in part to approach the counseling process from the context of the personal culture of the client (Sue, Arrendondo McDavis, 1994; Sue Sue, 2007). Professional ethics compel counselors to ensure that their cultural values and biases do not override those of the client (ACA, 2005). 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Cristal is a 16-year-old Mexican American female. Cristal seems to be experiencing some distress in her life, which seems to stem from cultural conflict rather than inherent psychopathology. Cristal is struggling with the question of whether she should stay home and care for her mother and family or if she should go away to college. She feels that others don’t understand he r. This typeRead MoreA Cultural Competency Toolkit : Ten Grant Sites Share Lessons Learned ( 2001 ) Essay1264 Words   |  6 Pages Overall, the CLAS policy appears to be designed to address the needs of providing cultural competence to members of traditionally under-represented groups (e.g. African Americans, Hispanic Americans, homeless, etc.). The only recommendations that I would make would be that the policy provide clear guidelines on how to account for those who are of immigrant status for whom data may not be collected when assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the standards. Also, thereRead MoreWhat I Believe Cultural Competence1344 Words   |  6 Pagessee it differently. And at times, we struggle to acknowledge other cultural differences, which intern leaves us to project and compare our perception of ourselves to others. Furthermore, this is why I believe cultural competence in psychology has the knowledge and skills to make a decision in someone else’s cultural context. Cultural competence in psychology has the knowledge and expertise to make a decision in someone else ’s cultural context. I’m a future provider of appropriate psychological servicesRead MoreReasons For Asian High School Students782 Words   |  4 Pagesto afford for college through merit-based financial aid in comparison to students who comes from middle to higher-income families. The second reason is because of their ethnicity. Which is why it is vital for school counselor to be multicultural competence and promote higher education for the Asian community. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Sexual Abuse On Children Essay - 1626 Words

It is difficult to comprehend that as advanced as human evolution has become there are individuals who act on horrible inexplicable instincts such as molesting a child or even to the point of sexually abusing a child. We as a society are constantly bombarded with reports of extreme sexual abuse cases of children and even infants. When we read or see a report of sexual abuse in the news the first thing that comes to mind is, what sick individual would think to do that to such an innocent child. More often than not the culprit ends up being an individual that fits the profile of a normal law abiding citizen that displays no signs of being a deranged abuser like what we typically see on television shows or movies. In most instances the abuser is a close friend or family member which can make things even more complicated and traumatic for a child. In addition and contrary to what most people believe sexual abuse can be very difficult to prove due to a variety of reasons. Along with the d ifficulty of proving that sexual abuse has occurred the trauma that is left on the child can affect their wellbeing as well as causing drastic short-term and long-term consequences. Because child abuse can be so traumatic it not only affects the wellbeing of the child but the entire family as well especially in instances where the abuser is a family member. As social workers and as students part of our profession is to protect the disadvantage and children is no exception. The social workShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sexual Abuse On Children1441 Words   |  6 Pagesparent abuse something they created? A person that is abused feels alone because they do not have a real parent figure, nor a family member to talk to. Some parents claim they spank the child; however, hit the child more than once. Abused children not only experience the effects of the abuse in childhood, but it also becomes a lifelong battle into adulthood. There are several types of abuse; emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, family violence, sexual abuse, and organised sexual abuse (â€Å"Impact†Read MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Abuse On Children Essay1954 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Of the many problems faced by children and adolescents, few provoke such moral outrage as childhood sexual abuse. Many times, as on the television show â€Å"To Catch a Predator†, such abuse can be inflicted by strangers who may gradually become familiar with the child online. Sadly, however, often times the perpetrator of sexual abuse on children is someone much more familiar to the child- someone the child may even love. Sexual abuse can be hard to define because of the many differentRead MoreSexual Abuse And Its Effects On Children Essay3457 Words   |  14 PagesChild sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer. According to the Indian law, anybody below the age of 18 years is defined as a child. Child sexual abuse has long remained a topic of taboo, until recently where people have shown openness to be aware of its prevalence and its effects on children. People have found it difficult to acknowledge the fact that sexual abuse of childrenRead MoreSexual Abuse And Its Effect On Children Essay2449 Words   |  10 PagesChild sexual abuse is a subject that has received much attention in recent years and has caused some concern’s in our society. Sexual abuse is when one person dominates and exploits another person by the means of suggestion or sexual activity. This form of abuse continues to pose serious and pervasive mental health complications to the victim and their family. â€Å"There is increasing documentation that a child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending parents and siblings areRead MoreThe Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children4542 Words   |  18 PagesPediatricians see children as their patients and are therefore bound to come int o contact with child sexual abuse. Some of these children may have symptoms and signs, and if they have not disclosed the abuse they depend on a doctor to initiate concern about it. Both doctors and children will benefit from medical practice that accepts and recognizes a level of medical concern expressed in terms of reasonable medical certainty (Faller, 2009). A medical diagnosis of child sexual abuse can be a referenceRead MoreSexual Abuse And Its Effect On Children1517 Words   |  7 Pages In the state of California predatory offenses consist of sexual battery by restraint, misdemeanor child molestation, lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14 or 15, continuous abuse of a child, statutory rape, annoying a molested child under the age of 18, oral copulation, solicitation of a minor, continuous sexual abuse of a child, and lewd and lascivious of a child under the age of 14. Sexual crimes is one of the most world wide offense, and in California is no different fromRead MoreEffects Of Childhood Sexual Abuse On Children1282 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood Sexual Abuse is dependent in many ways depending on the type of and severity of the abuse. Some of these factors include: age of child when abuse first occurred, how long the abuse lasted, developmental stage of the child, relationship of the abuse to the child, whether forces was used to ensure the child’s participation, degree of shame or guilt experienced by the child, reaction of the child pa rent(s) and other professionals and other professionals if and when the child reveals the abuse orRead MoreChildhood Sexual Abuse And Its Effects On Children Essay1754 Words   |  8 Pages Childhood sexual abuse has long been researched for both its short-term and long-term effects on its victims. Sexual abuse is defined as any sexual act that is done on a child through coercion, and causes lasting psychological impact (Hall Hall, 2011). Given the importance of psychological development throughout childhood, sexual abuse can hinder the mental health of its victims through the occurrence of other psychiatric disorders. While children should be growing into mentally healthy adultsRead More Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children Essay2593 Words   |  11 PagesBrief Study of Sexual Abuse of Children and its Causes and Effects Sexual abuse of children and infants is sadly as universal and old as the human race itself. But it is only in recent years that much more attention has been paid to the pervasive instance of sexual abuse among children, the majority of which occurs in the family setting. Pedophiles usually manifest signs that are readily identified. Common signs are: repetitive conversations about the sexual activities of children or teens, andRead MoreThe Effects Of Childhood Sexual Abuse On Children1703 Words   |  7 Pageshave experience childhood sexual abuse by the time they are 18 years old. The effects of childhood sexual abuse can be long-lasting and is a huge public health problem. There is a belief that male victims of sexual abuse do not suffer from the same negative impact that female victims do and we, as a society seem to turn a blind eye and minimize the impact when it comes to male victims. However, there is empirical support that shows men, like women, who experience sexual assault may suffer from mental

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Is the Customer “Always Right” Free Essays

Is The Customer â€Å"Always Right†? Abstract The customer is always right. It is the merchant’s wealth to safeguard the interests of customers. Many sellers think that some the customer is unreasonable and vulgar. We will write a custom essay sample on Is the Customer â€Å"Always Right† or any similar topic only for you Order Now Customer is always right for three reasons. First, the customer is always right is not the criterion of distinguished between right and wrong but is the criteria of the service work because the focus of the work is how to help customers make the right choices, and how to provide good service to customers. Next, understand the psychology of the customer can help employees easily cope with them. It is can make the seller better serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of satisfaction. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, can improve the quality of companies and salespeople. The example of Apple and Nokia demonstrates that picky customers can make the seller better serving the customers and make customers to have a higher level of satisfaction. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Like Zhang (as cited in Gluckman, the last paraphrase 2012) said â€Å"we will always be wrong†. So we will do better! Is The Customer â€Å"Always Right†? The customer is always right. Many people don’t think so, because when customers walk into a store, the clerk gives many different kinds of merchandise for them to choose from. However some customers will complain about the products. Some sellers think that some customers are picky and unreasonable. Nevertheless, no matter what kinds of the customers go into the store, regardless of the attitudes and tempers, they are â€Å"Gods†, since they bring large amount of profit for the business. Therefore, customer is always right and I have three reasons. First of all, the customer is always right† is the goal of service work, not distinguishing between right and wrong. Also, the slogan â€Å"the customer is always right† can be seen in many companies. However many people do not understand it or misunderstand the original meaning of this slogan. â€Å"The customer is always right† is not to judge the rights and wrongs of the matter. It means that companies to do their utmost best to create a good environment for the customers make guests to enjoy quality service, and to ensure the quests feel they have received good value no matter when and where. As Ray Miller (2012) stated, â€Å"It does not matter who is right and who is wrong†. For this sentence a customer may have his or her own ideas, and maybe these ideas are wrong or misguided. If pointed out that the customer is wrong, it will make things worse! Do not need to care about right and wrong with customers as a service industry. How to help customers make the right choices, and how to provide good service to customers that is the focus of service work. Secondly, understanding the psychology of the customer can help employees easily cope with them, but how do they cope when the customer is picky? When customers walk into a store, the clerk take out the merchandise give him the choice, more than half of customers are very critical. Frequently, customers don’t want to buy something maybe have three reasons: show off own appreciative, looking for an excuse to demand for lower prices and thinking it’s too expensive, as a reason of do not buy it. Understanding these reasons, employees can more easily seel products. Actually, a salesman usually has three purposes: he or she hopes the transaction is successful, hopes customers come again, and hopes the customers to introduce other customers to the business, because a friendly staff. Therefore, understanding customer psychology is a discipline. Serving customers as serving themselves, therefor they can provide a higher level of satisfaction. Finally, allowing guests to be picky, can improve the quality of companies and salespeople because many good advises from some customers. By contrast, Xiaoyao (2102) noted in â€Å"The difference between Apple and Nokia† that ten years ago, Nokia mobile phone sold was first place staler. With the advancement of technology people’s requirements is also rising. Because of the discerning of customers, Apple innovate their products to satisfy a client’s needs. However, Nokia did not think that this is important. So, Apple exceeded Nokia less than a decade. Even though some vulgar and unreasonable customer think they always right, a simple philosophy said by Zhang (Gluckman, 2012): â€Å"we always think we are wrong and only take the customer’s need as right† can impel company carry on realistic reason of social activities is society advance and power that develop. In a highly competitive market, customers have a wide right of freedom choice and to purchase the commodity. In fact, the customer also can fire anyone in the company, because they can spend money in other places that make customer like a boss. In my opinion, the customer is a consumer of goods and services and is the foundation source of enterprise. The survival and development of enterprises rely on the trust and support of the customer. Therefore, business should consider the issue from the customer’s point of view and it’s crucial to put customer’s satisfaction and their interests at first stage. Following this standard will improve sales and our profits. In other words, there would be no profit if on customers bought products. Hence, taking care of the interests of the guests is to take care of the business own interests. As Zhang (Gluckman, 2012) said â€Å"we will always be wrong†. So we will do better! Reference Miller, R. (2012). Is the customer always right? Retrieved from http://www. thetrainingbank. com/article_is_the_customer_always_right. htm Gluckman, R. (2012). Every Customer Is Always Right. Forbes, 189(9), 38-40. Xiaoyao (2010,7). The difference between Apple and Nokia Retrieved from http://www. williamlong. info/archives/2236. html ———————– 1 How to cite Is the Customer â€Å"Always Right†, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Early Childhood Education Culture and Social Interaction

Question: Discuss about the Early Childhood Education Culture and Social Interaction. Answer: Play in early childhood The "play" is a crucial factor in children's daily life and early childhood learning. Many oppose the concept of play in early life education as it seems vague and invalid to them. However, play is an essential element in early childhood education program, and it is necessary to have a valid policy or thorough rationale for incorporating play into the indoor or outdoor environment (Johnson et al., 2013). As an early childhood professional, I have to educate the group of Singaporean parents who have no idea about the importance of children's play in the development of infants and toddlers. As parents have different perception and ideas about play, it is necessary to engage them in a conversation and educate them about cultural practices that may affect the play. Hence, the focus of this report is to explain the Singaporean parents about the importance of culture in play. It also highlights the five specific ways by which family practice can affect childrens play. Different concepts of play in early childhood There are different concepts of play in early life and their role in children development. Bretherton (2014) mentions that play activities that children in engaging in childhood center should be regarded as work activities because it gives a child the opportunity to explore and construct basic thought and get exposed to the most basic form of problem solving. This is because each activity in the early childcare center is included in the curriculum after analyzing it benefit on social, emotional and intellectual development. According to Piaget who proposed the theory of cognitive development in children, intellectual growth in children occurs through the process of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Equilibrium is achieved in learning when a child's schema easily understands new information through the assimilation process (Shaffer Kipp, 2013).Hart, (2013) expanded Piagets view by stating that explorative and imitative play is response oriented which ease the assimilati on and accommodation process in children. Hence play helps a child to adapt to experience and learn along the process. Importance of culture in young childrens play Currently, with the rise of internet and other technology, parents are engaging children mostly in outdoor activities. Culture also plays an important role in childrens play, and parents seem to engage their infants and toddlers in different play activities according to their cultural preferences. The cultural norms and family values are also reflected in the type of play that a child engages in daily life (Greene, 2013). As a childhood professional, I can say that type of play can differ according to culture and socioeconomic status and hence parents must clearly analyze what aspects of the culture they want their child to acquire through early childhood play. The main advice for parents to understand the importance of culture in young children's play is to understand the dynamics of their culture and its influence on children's play. From the opinion of the group of Singaporean parents regarding children play, it is evident that the type of play differs according to culture and socioeconomic status of parents. People from the different culture may interpret children's play in different ways. Different cultures shape the personality of a person. For example, a person born in a nuclear family develops the attitude of individualism and such parents may engage children in lone play or expose them to computer games or latest gadgets so that they remain confined within themselves (Boyette, 2016). Hence, the cultural mindset of each individual will have an impact on the parent's approach and description of play phenomena. It is this mindset which helps parents interacts with children during play. On the other hand, a child born in an extended or multigenerational family is more likely to engage in participative play which influences their learning process in a different way altogether (Milteer et al., 2012). Hence influence of culture in children play will lead to a development of individual values and perception of autonomy in children. Therefore with the change in culture, the categories of childs play with differ and it will lead to different social maturity in children. It is necessary that parents understand the cultural dynamic in play to develop their child effectively in the early phase of life. Five ways by which cultural (including family) practices affect very young childrens play Young childrens play may be affected by cultural practices in many ways. These are as follows: Play gives the chance to recreate the cultural environment and values: Play has been an important part of every society, and different cultural values interfere differently with play. It gives the child the opportunity to recreate their cultural environment. This can be demonstrated through play activities in different cultural context. It also has the impact on the frequency and nature of children's play. For example in rural society, children play without any supervision and tend to engage in pretend play with stones and plants. On the other hand, urban children in cities tend to play more with manufactured toys or in small activities in kindergarten. The theme of play also tends to change for girls and boys according to the different culture. Many parents tend to classify the appropriateness of play for girls and boys according to different cultural preference and gender roles in society. Hence, social environment affects the frequency and the nature of play activities in children . Time spent in play differs according to different cultural context In low-income families; children spent less time in play activities compared to financially stable family. Less time in play affects the degree of realism in children. Children in the poor family are often exposed to the different age group of children during play activities. However, children in urban cities mainly get to interact with same age children in early child care center only. Hence, they have limited access to active and free play activities (Buckingham, 2013). Impact on parent-child bonding due to play: Play is critical to social, cognitive and physical development in very young children. It helps them to develop resilience and learn the ways of negotiating and cooperating with others. Play activities also expose a child to some form of challenges and let them develop the skill of overcoming challenges in life (Richter, 2015). It also gives the parents the opportunity to develop bonding with the child and to see the world according to the vision of the child. This may also help in identifying any negative thought process in child and removing those thoughts through play learning. A study investigating specifically on the importance of play in children in poverty showed that socioeconomic obstacles in parent's life impede such children of the chance to have adequate play time in life (Milteer et al., 2012). As a child care educator, I would advise all parents irrespective of their financial status to understand the importance of the life-long benefits of play and engage them in minim um play activities as far as possible (Dixon et al., 2014). The impact of cross-cultural perspectives on childrens play: Different culture interprets child's play in different ways. For example, ethnic culture families tend to separate play from academic activities, and they do not regard play as part of learning process. This kind of thinking pattern in parents means that children spent very little time in learning through play. On the other hand, in western culture families such as in Italy and US, little distinction is made between play and other activities of a child. Parents of such culture are of the opinion that experiences in play lead to an intellectual and physical development of the child and hence, it has the impact on acquiring other academic skills in life. Therefore a child born in such family is likely to engage more in learning through play and gaining new knowledge in the process (McBride, 2015). The impact of engaging in different nature of play according to cultural practices: Some parents and early child care settings often engage parents in digital play. The motive behind this differs according to cultural context. They are of the opinion that this kind of exposure to digital technology and video programs expose a child to the new way of perceiving and analyzing the activities in society. Child care center experts have demonstrated that video observations in children help in creating new demands and orient their thought according to the different situation. It helps in recollection of memories of thoughts and helps a child to distinguish between imaginary situation and real world situation. This gives the child the opportunity to develop concrete thoughts and idea (Fleer, 2014). On the other hand, outdoor play for children has been found to lead to the better expression of feelings and action in children. A parent who wants to their children to be socially interactive and develop good communication skill engages child in such play activities. By family p ractices, parents determine the safety and the level of supervision to be given to a child. Outdoor activities lead to the motor development and risk-taking attitude in children. Many parents also engage the child in outdoor activities to remove habits of excessive TV use in children and develop healthy habits (Sugiyama et al., 2012). References Boyette, A. H. (2016). Children's play and culture learning in an egalitarian foraging society.Child development,87(3), 759-769. Bretherton, I. (Ed.). (2014).Symbolic play: The development of social understanding. Academic Press. Buckingham, D. (2013).Beyond technology: Children's learning in the age of digital culture. John Wiley Sons. Dixon, S., Tronick, E., Keefer, C., Brazelton, T. B. (2014). Mother-infant interaction among the Gusii of Kenya.Culture and early interactions (psychology revivals), 149-169. Fleer, M. (2014). The demands and motives afforded through digital play in early childhood activity settings.Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,3(3), 202-209. Greene, S. (2013). Old themes and new directions.The infant and family in the twenty-first century, 173. Hart, R. A. (2013).Children's participation: The theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care. Routledge. Johnson, J., Celik, S., Al-Mansour, M. O. N. I. R. A. H. (2013). Play in early childhood education.Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children, 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 265-274. McBride, C. (2015).Children's Literacy Development: A Cross-cultural Perspective on Learning to Read and Write. Routledge. Milteer, R. M., Ginsburg, K. R., Mulligan, D. A., Ameenuddin, N., Brown, A., Christakis, D. A., ... Levine, A. E. (2012). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bond: Focus on children in poverty.Pediatrics,129(1), e204-e213. Richter, L. (2015). The importance of caregiver-child interactions for the survival and healthy development of young children: a review. Shaffer, D. R., Kipp, K. (2013).Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Cengage Learning. Sugiyama, T., Okely, A. D., Masters, J. M., Moore, G. T. (2012). Attributes of child care centers and outdoor play areas associated with preschoolers physical activity and sedentary behavior.Environment and Behavior,44(3), 334-349.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mass production free essay sample

Mass Production During the 1920s, the United States industries and large businesses prospered greatly. Companies began to manufacture large quantities of their products using machines and a process known as the assembly line. This knew method was known as mass production. Mass production opened up many Jobs for all types of people. For the first time women, immigrants, and African Americans were accepted into the work force. This time period marked a major change for women. It was found that more women than men graduated high school and 25% of medical students were omen. Although this period marked a time of prosperity for women, things were different for African Americans. Most were still poor and struggling to find Jobs that paid enough to support their families. They also struggled to stay safe and avoid the white mobs that discriminated and threatened them. However, I feel that immigrants were most dramatically affected by mass production. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass production or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only did they struggle to find Jobs and support their families, but they also struggled with discrimination. Americans questioned the values and loyalty of immigrants. Immigrants were not trusted by Americans, making it tough for them to settle down and feel at home. We, at [the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare], felt that the Maryland school districts, by and large, ought to be able to make the transition from the dual school system without the footdragging that was going on in some Deep South districts. [l] School desegregation in Prince Georges County, Maryland, should have been easy. After all, the county did not have to cope with overt racism in both its citizens and its lected officials or about this racism turning into organized violence directed at the teenage would-be school integrators, as did the states of the Deep South. The task facing the Prince Georges County board of education and Superintendent William Schmidt after the Supreme Courts 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, therefore, seemed to be fairly simple: eliminate the countys segregated dual school system and replace it with an integrated, unitary school system. Yet it was not until 973, nearly 20 years after Brown, that the county finally implemented a desegregation plan comprehensive enough to please the federal courts and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. School integration in Prince Georges County was complicated by covert racist attitudes, by segregated housing patterns, and by the white flight phenomenon of whites fleeing predominately black areas in and around cities for predominately white areas deeper in the suburbs. From its beginnings, Marylands attitudes towards African-Americans were vaguely hostile. The 171 5 state constitution enforced slavery, although Maryland was never a large slave-holding state; racist attitudes continued into the 19th century, when Know-Nothingism took firm root in the state. [2] During the Civil War, Maryland was divided between its slave-holding, which naturally allied it with the Confederacy, and its proximity to Washington, DC, which made it remain in the Union.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Abortion Essay Example

Causes And Effects Of Abortion Essay Example Causes And Effects Of Abortion Paper Causes And Effects Of Abortion Paper Introduction: Abortion means expiration of gestation – it can either be self-generated or induced. Spontaneous is known as abortion, while induced merely means expiration of a gestation which is planned. Recently, the statistics have shown an addition in abortion rate twelvemonth after twelvemonth. Abortion can do by societal, economic or pregnant adult females wellness status as good. However, it will take to a figure of negative consequence toward pregnant women’ wellness, and societal as excessively. Abortion is an activity banned in certain state, such as North Carolina and Hawaii (Countrywide abortion process prohibitionupdate1998 ) . This activity can specify as a expiration of gestation ; it can be either self-generated or induced. Spontaneous is known as abortion, while induced merely means that expiration of a gestation which is planned (Abortion2001 ) . The latest statistics have shown an addition in abortion rate twelvemonth by twelvemonth, it is unfavourable fact. It can do by societal, economic or pregnant adult females wellness status as good. However, it will take to a figure of negative effects toward pregnant woman’s wellness and societal excessively. Social issue can be one of the large factors which cause abortion rate addition twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours, such as offense act. We are unable to deny that the frequence of offense instances in our state is somewhat high. There is a existent instance which takes topographic point in the old month, April, which a pupil from Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman ( Ktar ) was rape by the college’s security guard, the victim is merely 18 old ages old, because of this bad experience, the victim it will be confront with long term influence, which mean that she will non merely impact in the facet of physically but besides physiology, and it likely need to take some clip to bring around towards the bad incident and unfortunate. For those gestations result from colza or insect, these adult females who are victims of the assaults frequently seen abortions (Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007 ) . Incest can be defined as sexual dealingss between individuals who are so closely related t hat their matrimony is illegal or forbidden by usage (Incest2001 ) . The chance of the foetus get from incest will be malformation is somewhat high because the parties may hold blood-relation between themselves. Most of the adult females, nevertheless, decide to hold an abortion because the gestation will represents a job in their hereafter and current lives every bit good. Besides that, there is besides an grounds abounds that a high proportion of adult females become pregnant accidentally, in both developed and developing states. In the United States and in some Eastern European states for which informations are available, approximately on-half to three-fifths of all gestations are unintended, and a big proportion of these are resolved through abortion. And in many developing states, the proportion of recent births that are unintended exceeds 40 % . The degree of unintended gestation for developing states would be even higher if more accurate abortion information were available, s ince most abortions represent, by definition, unintended gestations (Reasons why adult females have induced abortions: grounds1998 ) . Education degree in a certain state may impact the thought of the abortion pattern in the public head. However, lower degree of instruction perchance will promote the people enter into a insouciant sexual relationship which will leads to pregnancy with no chance of matrimony. Even if the sexual relationship is more than insouciant, abortion is may be needed because a adult female decides that the societal position of the male is improper (Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007 ) . Sexually active adolescents are at an immediate hazard of going pregnant or geting a sexually familial infection. Young sexually active teens are much less likely than older teens to utilize contraceptive method systematically, nevertheless, the huge bulk of teenage gestations are unintended, and near to half of those inadvertent gestations which is 45 % terminal in an abortio n. Teenss may take to hold an abortion because they have concerns about how the babe would alter their lives, for illustration finishing their instruction, and they will worry about the fiscal jobs, or they feel that they are non mature plenty to go a parent, abortion degrees can worsen if the high rate of unintended gestations is reduced or if more pregnant teens are transporting their gestation to term (Adolescent abortions2003 ) . In add-on, immature pregnant adult females will be short of experience in taking attention the babe, and so they besides unable to anticipate the baby’s subsequently life, because of that, they may make up ones mind to end the gestation instead than transport on the foetus. In certain state, such as China, they have carried out a policy which the authorities tend to command the population in their state, which is one kid per household policy, this policy was using in twelvemonth 1980 (Abortion in China2001 ) . Introduction of this policy has cont ributed to the increased quickly in the figure of abortion and there are studies show that forced abortions are uncommon presents. In several alone fortunes, the gestation adult females can be legalising by obtaining the blessing from the population governments. Therefore, those adult females who are from urban country in China show higher possibility to achieve the permission to transport more than a kid (Illegal births and legal abortion – the instance of China2005 ) . Besides, abortion is a legal pattern in Brazil if it is the lone means to salvage the woman’s life or if the gestation is the consequence of colza. Although this has been the jurisprudence for over 60 old ages, it has about neer been applied until recent old ages. In the past five old ages, the figure of infirmaries supplying attention to adult females victims of sexual force has increased from 4 to 63, of which 40 people are presently supplying legal abortion (Making legal abortion accessible in Brazi l2002 ) . Furthermore, status of an economic in certain state will give an impact to the statistic of abortion in a state, such as during unemployment, rising prices and deflation. A merely define that rising prices is where a state of affairs that ‘too much money trailing excessively few goods’ , and this will act upon straight toward the distribution attack in the market (Inflation2000 ) . On the other manus, unemployment is where a state of affairs the worker wants to work, but is unable to work and it may hold advantages every bit good as disadvantages for the overall economic system, notably, it may assist turn away from rising prices, which will negatively impact about everyone in the economic system (Unemployment2007 ) . During a high unemployment rate, there will be recession in market, which the employee will confront fiscal trouble to afford an extra kid and every bit good as the parents and the bing kids. If this happen, the pregnant adult females will believe about whe ther they should transport on or end the gestation. In contrast, while there is roar in the economic, and so there will be a different pick on the pregnant adult females. While sometimes the parents will do a determination to take on an abortion, where there is a chance in their calling and they are unwilling to give the cherished chance. Some will believe the parents are barbarous and selfish, but we are non them and we will non cognize the state of affairs and feeling on them. Yet, economic roar will advance international concern in the state, and the people will derive benefit through it, such as advanced in engineering. International concerns encourage exchange of cognition and experience between the states, and it will construct good relation between states. As we know, Japan ever following and possessing the progress engineering and technique among the states ; many people in our state are fancy to acquire trained from them. Unable to deny that, failure rate in our state have been minimized by the advancing of medical technique in our country’s which compare to old phase and presently the people are become more assurance with our country’s medical system, and technique and they are willing to transport out some high hazard operation, such as bosom operation. Recently, our state ex-prime curate has successfully done the bosom operation in Malaysia. Subsequent to this incident, some of the pregnant adult females will perchance more assurance, and fewer dying toward the possibility of failure in an abortion, and so they are able to do a quicker determination when they in the pick of either terminate or carry on the gestation. A worst wellness status of the pregnant adult females may non promote to transporting on the gestation, because there will be a hazard to the foetus and the pregnant adult females excessively. Womans who use drugs frequently will endure from serious wellness jobs, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental wellness jobs. Surveies have found that at least 70 per centum of adult females who are drug users have been sexually abused by the age of 16. Drugs usage is a serious wellness job for many grounds. Womans who use drugs may at the hazard of going infected with HIV, which it is a virus that causes AIDS. These viruses can be spread through acerate leaf used to shoot drugs. As a consequence, adult females who inject drugs and portion acerate leafs are particularly at the hazard. A female parent who uses drugs may perchance menace her life and her baby’s. When a pregnant adult female uses drugs, she and her unborn kid may confront serious wellness jobs. For case, during gestation , the drugs used by the female parent can come in the baby’s blood stream. The consequence on the babe can be HIV infection, AIDS, prematurely, low birth weight, little caput size, hapless motor accomplishments and behaviour jobs. The female parent who is go oning drug usage will set her kids at hazard for disregard, physical maltreatment and malnutrition (Pregnancy and drug usage2001 ) . In add-on, drug maltreatment may besides do scraggy babes, birth defects or backdown symptoms after birth. For those pregnant adult females who are infected with serious injuries of wellness, and they will be advice by physician which come to an terminal of the gestation instead than convey on, because the virus perchance will convey to the babe during gestation, labour and bringing, and through breastfeeding. If the pregnant adult females no take any preventative drugs and breastfeeds so the opportunity of her babe going infected by the virus is around 20-45 % (HIV AIDS A ; Pregnancy2007 ) . Although gestation is frequently portrayed as a clip of great joy, that is non world for all adult females. At least one in 10 pregnant adult females will be suffers with depression. For old ages, experts erroneously believed that gestation endocrines protected against depression, go forthing adult females more in danger to the unwellness merely after the babe was born and their endocrine degrees plunged. They now believe that the encephalon chemical science will be interrupt in the rapid addition in endocrine degrees at the start of gestation and lead to depression. Hormonal alterations will do the pregnant adult females experience more dying than usual. Anxiety is another status where that can and should be treated during gestation (Depression during gestation2005 ) . In these yearss, there are many immature adult females in high school or college find out themselves pregnant and they are confront with emotional troubles, which is due to that they are unprepared to come in pare ntage and raise a kid, or they are excessively immature to make so and non hold a dependable spouse with who to raise a kid. Besides that, they are required to take either go oning instruction which can last economically in their ulterior life or dropping out to hold the babe. Young twosomes who are merely get downing their lives together and want kids might prefer go financially unafraid first to supply better attention for their future kids. In add-on, the wellness of the babe will be affected if the pregnant adult females are covering with mentally troubles, such as anxiousness and emphasis. In contrast, status of a foetus during the gestation period will non merely due to mental unwellness of the pregnant adult females, the life style of the pregnant adult females will give a large impact toward the baby’s strength. For those pregnant adult females who take in intoxicant on a regular basis, smoking and any others bad wont will all supply a serious impact to the babe, whic h the possibility of carry an unnatural babe is highly high. While the pregnant adult females smoking during gestation period will go through nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to the babe and fume will besides maintain the babe from acquiring nourishment and raises the hazard of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. On the other manus secondhand fume exposure will do disease and premature decease in kids and grownup who do non smoke. For those kids who are exposed to secondhand fume are at increased in the hazard for sudden baby decease syndrome, ear jobs, and more terrible asthma (Health injuries from secondhand fume2007 ) . Alcohol can do life long physical and behavioural jobs in the kids, including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( FAS ) , which mean it will do the babe mental deceleration, unnatural facial characteristics, growing jobs, vision or hearing jobs, all this causes will be stopping points for a life clip, and there is no remedy for this. So, if the pregnant adult females a re making so, the wellness attention supplier can urge plans, such as abortion, to assist you discontinue and so the pregnant adult females and the babe will be better off (Pregnancy and substance maltreatment2007 ) . In contrast, relationship with hubby or spouse and household members will impact the pregnant adult females judgement. About all of the adolescent gestation, will non back up by their household members, because they believe that though of the adolescent gestation are still immature and they are unable to educate their kid in the right manner, due to this the household members will propose them to end the gestation. Because of resistance of the immature gestation will experience homeless and though of terminate the baby’s life even suicide. In add-on, if the relationship with spouse or hubby had broken up before or since gestation discovered it will as a consequence of why adult females have abortions (Reasons why adult females have abortions2002 ) . If there is a job in the relationship between pregnant adult females and the hubby or spouse and will take to the pregnant adult females decides to abort the kid because she does non desire to be a individual parent (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . On the other manus, if in a household which the hubby is lending the chief fiscal support, and one time they have broke up or divorce, the pregnant adult females may believe to abortion alternatively of transporting on which due to the gestation adult females will non be able to work for a certain period and so she will hold no sufficient fiscal support during and after gestation clip. Furthermore, abortion may besides do by the hubby or spouse or the pregnant adult females are in gaol or prison because misdemeanor of subject, which this incident is force to end the babe and non abort with willingness. In the sentiment of Pro-life people, they believed ‘psychological harm’ is one of the effects of abortion. They argue that adult females will acquire atrocious incubuss of their kids after they have abortion, and they will repent and experience guilty about their determination. They physical effects from the abortion normally appear in the hereafter, such as tubal gestation and asepsis. Peoples from the pro-life group have grounds that abortion can breast malignant neoplastic disease and the worst physical consequence is decease, it’s recoded that 200 adult females have died from legal abortion since 1973 (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . For those adult females who decide to take on an abortion, they must be willing to bear the effects after the abortion neither it is physiology nor psychological. The worst physical consequence is decease, in record, there are 200 adult females have died from legal abortion since 1973 (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . In add-on, about 60 per centum of adult females who experience of abortion followup a study with self-destructive ideation, with 28 per centum really trying suicide, of which half attempted suicide two or more times. Research workers in Finland have identifies a strong statistical association between abortion and self-destruction in a records based survey. They identified 73 self-destructions associated within one twelvemonth to a gestation stoping either of course or by induced abortion. The average one-year self-destruction rate for all adult females was 11.3 per 100,000. The suicide rate associated with birth was significantly lower at 5.9 per 100,000 (Aborti on hurts adult females psychologically and emotionally1999 ) . There is another instance where excessively much blood run off during abortion may take to both female parent and the babe or either one decease. There is a hazard in executing abortion, and if the pregnant adult females decide to take the hazard, and so she must lament to digest the deduction which due to abortion. Harmonizing to Cr. M. C. Pike, at University of Southern California in 1981, he has demonstrated a direct association of induced abortion with chest malignant neoplastic disease. He surveies 163 adult females who developed chest malignant neoplastic disease before age 33, and compared them with 272 controls. He showed that if a adult female had aborted her first gestation, her alteration of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease was increased by a factor of 2.4 times (Breast malignant neoplastic disease2006 ) . While there is another position with hazard of abortion, which in February 2003, the US Nati onal Cancer Institute ( NCI ) held a workshop of more than 100 of the world’s taking experts who study gestation and chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard. The experts’ appraisal bing human and carnal surveies on the relationship between gestation and chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard, including surveies of induced and self-generated abortions. Among their decision, chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard will increased after a term gestation, which is a gestation that consequences in the birth of populating kid or abort it (Can holding an abortion cause or contribute to chest malignant neoplastic disease2007 ) . In another word, chest malignant neoplastic disease may due to hormonal alterations during gestation ; moreover, alteration in endocrine will do the disableds of the neonate in ulterior gestations. Post abortion syndrome ( PAS ) is a term that has been used to depict the emotional and psychological cost of abortion, in order to get by with the em otional hurting that accompanies abortion ; adult female may develop a set of opposition mechanisms to support their determination. They may include rationalisation, repression, and compensation. Furthermore, there may hold several symptoms of PAS, where some will happen instantly after an abortion and other may take months or even old ages to come up. One of it is strong feeling of guilty, which is a normal reaction that normally surface after the adult female acknowledge that abortion is incorrect and that she is responsible for perpetrating her ain abortion (Physical and psychological complications of abortion2002 ) . For those who are experiencing highly guilty, they will reiterate and persistently dreams or even nightmare which is about the kid. In add-on, where a new research from New Zealand has confirmed that abortion well increases the hazard for mental wellness jobs, such as anxiousness and depression in immature adult females. Harmonizing to David Fergussen, psychological science professor, had found a comparative rate of mental health-related concerns, such as a inclination to suicide, and drug and intoxicant maltreatment were all significantly increased in adult females with a past history of abortion (New research supports abortion-mental wellness hazard claims2007 ) . A societal will squarely act upon 1s behavior, and there are some people who are reasoning that abortion is morally incorrect on the footing that a foetus is an guiltless homo being, nevertheless, there are still a group of people who are non agree with that (Abortion argument2007 ) . If a society allows the people to transport out abortion lawfully, the peace in a state will be affected, because the people will now go more barbarous and unethical, which they will neer experience any guilty after the making any offense act, such as abortion, and so the society will be panic. On the other manus, the acting of offense will increase unconsciously due to the immorality of the human. Besides that, in the underdeveloped state, there may perchance originate an incident where the citizens are deficiency of information about the sexually intercourse, therefore the people there are incognizant sing the cause and consequence of abortion and insouciant sexual pattern. Because of the ignorant, wi ll confidence the populace to transport out insouciant sexual relationship among the adolescents. Furthermore, this will hike up in the of infection venereal disease due to violence in sexual activity, such as AIDS, which are common in these yearss (Nine grounds why abortions should be illegal2001 ) . In drumhead, issues arise in societal, economic and wellness status of pregnant adult females will do an abortion activity taking topographic point. Besides, the will be some specific impact which due to the abortion. Crime rate in a state is somewhat related to the abortion, because gestation consequence from colza will be an unwanted kid, and the pregnant adult females will make up ones mind to abort it. Additionally, knowing in a certain state will impact the thought of abortion in the populace, and regulation and ordinances of a state will give an impact to the people as good. However, inclination of economic will exemplify in the rate of the abortion rate, for illustration, during high unemployment rate, the abortion rate will travel high every bit good, and it may due to the fiscal job which will face by the household subsequently. Next, engineering progressing in a state, will promote the people to take on an abortion, because the hazard of failure can be minimize, and so thei r concern. In fact, lifestyle and wellness status of pregnant adult females are linked, for case, those adult females who are drug maltreatment will show an impact toward the foetus, which is a life long impact. Abortion may take topographic point where there is a affair arise either with hubby or household member and it will act upon the esthesis of the pregnant adult females. Nonetheless, abortion could come along with the deduction either mentally or physiology or both fondness, such as experiencing guilty and depression. Besides that, they will besides be infected with chest malignant neoplastic disease, or even decease during or after the abortion. Subsequently, societal will besides be affected if the abortion carries out lawfully in a certain fatherland. As a decision, abortion will certainly take to a bad inclination in society, so authorities should play their function, which control the abortion activities, guarantee that, there is a good ground for abortion, and non the g round of experiencing funny toward sexual intercourse. Besides, pregnant adult females should aware about the cause and consequence of abortion and guarantee that you and your spouse are free from genital disease, which mean that carry out the sex in a safe status. R E F E R E N C E Abortion2001. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Abortion argument2007. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Abortion_debate # Ethical_debate Abortion hurts adult females psychologically and emotionally1999. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Sheet % 20on % 20abortion emotional % 20risks.pdf Abortion in China2001. Retrieved: October 28, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.abortiontv. com/Misc/ChinaAbortions.htm Abortion: Professionals and cons1999. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.lclark. edu/~krauss/advwrf99/causeeffect/felixcause.html Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007. Retrieved: October 30, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //family. Breast malignant neoplastic disease2006. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.abortionfacts. com/online_books/love_them_both/why_cant_we_love_them_both_23.asp Can holding an abortion cause or contribute to chest malignant neoplastic disease2007. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // an_ Abortion_Cause_or_Contribute_to_Breast_Cancer.asp Depression during gestation2005. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: // # articlesection0 Health injuries from secondhand fume2007. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // HIV AIDS A ; Pregnancy2007. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.avert. org/pregnancy.htm Illegal births and legal abortion – the instance of China2005. Retrieved: October 28, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // artid=1215519 Incest2001. Retrieved: November 1, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Inflation2000. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Glossary.nsf/b551f2529ff409b742256b41004c6a7e/b6de54fdff3ee35442256b430 02f6fc7? OpenDocument Making legal abortion accessible in Brazil2002. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // New research supports abortion-mental wellness hazard claims2007. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Nine grounds why abortions should be illegal2001. Retrieved: 31, October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Countrywide abortion process prohibition update1998. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // # countrywide Physical and psychological complications of abortion2002. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pregnancy and drug usage2001. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.pregnancy. org/article.php? sid=1201 Pregnancy and substance maltreatment2007. Retrieved: 1 October, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.nlm. Reasons why adult females have abortions2002. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Reasons why adult females have induced abortions: grounds1998. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

St Peters Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

St Peters - Research Paper Example The building of the old St. Peter’s began in the fourth century through the authority of Emperor Constantine (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). For many years, the old St. Peter’s Basilica grew to become a historical, religious, and architectural icon (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). However, the demolition of the Old St. Peters led to the building of New St. Peters Basilica under the authority of Pope Niccolo V in mid-15th century and completed in 1615 to become a major pilgrimage site (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). Notably, the history behind New St Peters is an example of why it is necessary to update buildings architecturally to keep up with the changing times of our world, society, and culture. In the mid-15th century, the old St. Peter’s Basilica was failing into ruins as its walls leaned out of perpendicular and it was seemingly irreparable which forced Pope Nicolas V to institute measures of restoring its pride. As such, Pope Nicolas V authorized the repair, restorat ion, and enlargement of St. Peter’s Basilica under the supervision of Leon Bernardo Rossellini (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). However, the construction stopped when Pope Nicolas V died prompting Pope Giulio II to transferred that responsibility to Bramante in 1506. Indeed, Bramante demolished the old St. Peter’s Basilica in 1506 (Francia 1) and designed another Basilica with a Greek cross plan (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). Moreover, Pope Julius II directed the construction of a new basilica under the supervision of Bramante, which started on April 18, 1506 and finished on November 18, 1626 (â€Å"Catholic Online† 1). However, Rafael proposed a Latin cross plan and Michelangelo  later proposed a Greek cross (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). Nevertheless, after the heated conflict on which structure to adopt in the new St. Peter’s Basilica, pope Paolo V authorized the use of Latin cross structure (â€Å"Rome Info† 1). Indeed, the new St. Peter’s Bas ilica has a modern architectural design that depicts a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. This makes the new St. Peter’s Basilica a modern pilgrimage site (â€Å"Catholic Online† 1). Ideally, Michelangelo became the chief architect for the reconstruction of St. Peter's Basilica in 1546 despite his failing health. The architectural design of the new St. Peter's Basilica accommodated contributions from prominent architects like Donato Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo who designed the Pauline Chapel, Fra Giocondo who strengthened the foundation of the new St. Peter's Basilica, Michelangelo who designed the dome, Giacomo Della Porta who designed the cupola, and Gian Lorenzo Berninin who added the piazza (â€Å"Khan Academy† 1). Ideally, the architectural; design of the old St. Peter's Basilica did not relate to the modern cultures, changes, and society. However, the new St. Peter's Basilica depicted a dome, which manifested Michelangelo's resounding architectural achievement. Indeed, the new St. Peter's Basilica relate to the modern cultures, changes, and society. The new St. Peter's Basilica has a cruciform shape and an elongated nave in the Latin cross (â€Å"Catholic Online† 1). This deviated from the old architectural design that advocated for centrally planned structures. In the new St. Peter's Basilica, we have the dome dominating the external and internal part of the central space depicting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Holiday Harassment in Wanda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Holiday Harassment in Wanda - Essay Example The memories of twenty fifth December are as fresh in my mind as I can remember. The happiness that characterized the morning of that day cannot be compared with another day of the year. Cheers and ululations of women and children from the neighboring villages that sent a deafening voice could be heard from afar. As the first born in the family and one recognized by my mother’s kin, I won the pleasure of being invited to the nearby neighborhood called Wanda where she hails from. Though the place is very remote, it would be a very bizarre idea to reject the offer. So it turned out to be something of an obligation. As a city dweller and one used to travel by vehicle, I could not bear the blunt of walking through the rough terrain to the place. We had to board a taxi at least to display the acme of sophistication. My younger brother and sister were the main accompaniments. No sooner had we exchanged pleasantries with my family than we left for the place. The welcome I received from the people left the onlookers in awe. Greetings alone took half an hour, followed by unending presentation of gifts from their children and grand children. All kith and kin worshipped me, and the ordeal was more graced like a presidential visit. This left an awkward feeling because of the exaggerated welcome. Already, it dawned on me that much was expected from the light pocket I had. I began developing fear. Needless to tell, an eating and drinking program began, and the plates were filled with the normal, fresh, staple countryside food perfect for a celebration of some kind. Without prior confirmation, drinks followed, and I was amazed to be served with the local traditional liquor which I boldly declined. The rejection was treated with a stern look by the uncle. The lack of courtesy and genuineness began making the day boring early as it was. Not aware that this was only smoke and fire coming, people followed by small crowds began flocking the compound casting a glance at me every time they entered the house. I did not give a serious thought to these looks with the perception that it was a day of celebration and togetherness during such a day is the norm. Little did I know that I was the centre of attraction? The uncle and his wife had invited the whole village to come and see their rich nephew who resides in the city and who would bring money during the Christmas Day. Unfortunately, wishes are not horses because if I had known this, I would have turned down the offer immediately it was presented. When all the â€Å"guests† arrived, songs of praise began and I was surrounded as if I was the Christ himself. In fact, what I witnessed during that time left me shivering like a leaf on a windy day. The villagers were drunk and disorderly causing a sheer pandemonium in the house. Every man and woman was demanding that I buy them a packet of sugar a nd flour which is tantamount to fifty dollars each. I was even compelled to take the liquor I earlier

Monday, November 18, 2019

Visual analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Visual analysis - Essay Example The advertisement is in the most appropriate color palette. Red is the dominant color, which stirs up the piquancy of the paint. It is a vibrant color that gives a fine texture especially with the mixture of grey and black. The blend of color brings an atmosphere of calmness and creativity, which easily sells the brand to customers. The paint clearly uses a balance of color in the cartoon drawings, words and the color of the drink. The black merges well with red, whereas grey and white adds some lure to the advertisement. The shape of the bottle, drawings and the cartoons also give an impression of fine art. They bring a balance of different forms of art that produce a wholly captivating paint. The rhythm of the clouds surrounding the bottle give the feeling that once a person takes the drink, then they will be in a jovial mood occasioned by the positive energy. This advertisement is a paint that aims at marketing Coca-Cola drinks. It is a design that evokes the positive energy that a person can get when they take the drink. The perfection in display is one of a kind, the type of advertisement that makes a person buy something because of the beauty in the advertisement. It is only fair to say that the paint convinces a person to take the drink and get the energy. Still, the drink in the bottle just looks as sweet as the mixture of colors used to paint it. The paint tells people that Coca-Cola is also an energy-drink. People love drinks that are exceptionally good to their health. Thus, it is with no doubt that, the artistic work exhibited in the advertisement gives the idea that it is the most appropriate drink to take and build energy to undertake different activities. This advertisement is visibly a heart-winner and effortlessly influences people into drinking Coca-Cola. However, if they would use a photo of a person taking the drink, it would be more appealing than it is now. The target

Friday, November 15, 2019

ERP And Network At Dabur Essay

ERP And Network At Dabur Essay Dabur is a Indian consumer goods company with interests in Oral Care, Hair Care, Skin Care, Health Care, Home Care and even in foods. From its humble first phase in the bylanes of Calcutta in the year 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company. Dabur has come a stretched way today to become among the top companies. Dabur India Limited is the 4th largest FMCG Company in India. Dabur had a turnover of approximately Rs. 3390.9 Crore FY 09-10 Market Capitalisation of over Rs 15500 Crore which clearly shows the companys stand. The company has kept an eye on new generations of customers with a variety of products that provide to a modern lifestyle, while supervision not to estrange past generations of faithful customers. Daburs network is in the form of star topology with 6 DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access) links from Hughes Escorts Communications Limited (HECL). There are approximately 40-50 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) VSATs (Very Small Aperture Terminals), which will be used for linking the distribution network. Then there is Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity involving Daburs offices at various places like Delhi and Mumbai, moreover the corporate office. This link will soon be un-mitigated to other locations, also.The choice of the network depends upon location and feasibility runs on multiple media. The company uses IDSN connectivity as a support for its prime connectivity. Astonishingly, contrary to the current trend, Dabur doesnt have various leased lines to hold up its datacom network. The Situation: Problem Faced By The Company Before ERP Implementation For many years, Dabur had been using Fox Pro based systems for its handling logistics but as the network has grown the distribution pressure rises technology development was necessary. Fox Pro was a database in which each of the department likes sales, finance etc had a separate database for their respective departments. It was not a relational database. The company faced a lot of problem because this like data inconsistencies etc. It become necessary to integrate the fragmented distribution network for the benefit of the company. This was the time when Dabur felt the need to implement some kind of ERP system. ERP Implementation in 4 stages till now 1st ERP implementation Baan Dabur implemented Baans ERP system in 1999 for automation of the manufacturing process. This was the first ERP system which was implemented by the company in the major plants at Sahibabad and Baddi respectively. The server used for this was Alpha Unix servers and this was situated at the commercial office are used for Baan and around 200 concurrent users can login from in cooperation with plants using PAMA VSATs and fibre in the distant Baddi plant. In Baan ERP system the key modules includes finance, manufacturing,master production planning, intelligent resource planning,dealer planning and costing. The various modules keep the track of the material as the inventory moves through the plant and they are synchronised to each other. The primary distribution plan becomes a very important component of the manufacturing system. The planning process of the compnay includes one months stable Rolling Production Plan (RPP) of the company and two months rolling plan later on, based on a Rollin g Sales Forecast (RSF) of Dabur. Problem in case of Baan The operation of the manufacturing system has been very difficult as raw materials for Daburs products are mostly sourced from the various unorganised sectors where fruits and herbs and other natural recourses are procured. The other challenge was of extensive customisation which was necessary to meet stringent FDA regulations in the quality circle in Pharma product lines. Not only this, BaaN requires a central server which was also a problem for the company. As with the majority companies, sales at Dabur crest in the last 4-5 days of the particular month which leads to more load on the server. If the company dabur in this case,depends on this sort of central server architecture, which would be associated through VSATs, the network would be extremely overburden during each and every month-end. However, Dabur never required making the network a serious component in the automation of the outbound logistics. The company determined to go for an ERP answer which was Network Independent and it found that MFG/PRO could be run on independent servers at every location it was a good choice that suited its unique needs. 2nd ERP implementation MFG/PRO ERP Dabur therefore initiated automation of the outward logistics system in April, 2001 by means of its primary circulation system named Project Synergy, which involves the execution of the MFG/PRO ERP system. The MGF/PRO system was running in greater than a dozen Carrying and Forwarding Agents (CFAs) and the major warehouses all over the country. It had covered more than 90 sites in the main Distribution will be finished by 2002. Implementation Once it was decided that MFG/PRO it will be to lever the outbound logistics then a core implementation team was made which includes end users from dissimilar departments, like IT, sales, distribution and planning, finance and was set up in order to work. The deployment was made in four stages. In the first stage a requirement study was done here a model was developed. Dabur has many other strategic business units each one of it is having a different need in terms of outbound logistics. It is a traditional FMCG company into family units and healthcare products, pharmaceutical products, food products, which is a perishable products division, ayurvedic products for both the medicine and home segments. All these divisions have diverse requirements. The heart team had its job to cut out plus it had to develop a ordinary business model, which could supply to each and every segment at the identical time. Significant benefits were visible in locations where the ERP system had been implemented. These include: Improvement occur in sales dispatches to the carrying and forward agents (CFA). The sales earlier were greatly overloaded with 80 percent of sales taking place in the last week of the month which led to a number of trouble such as cheque bouncing and sales returns from pushed sales to meet sales targets. Improvement was seen in collections process also. Collections have recorded an improvement of about 6 days after implementing ERP and now are more evenly spread more than the month which leads to substantial savings on working capital protected up in out-bound logistics. Reduction in unsold stock inventory nad sales returns. Stocks in carrying and forwading agents are noticeable to fundamental distribution planners in commercial and un-saleable categories most important to better distribution nad management. fundamental management of sales schemes. The corporate office manages the schemes and free issues and the ERP system keeps a tough test on schemes most important to decline in misuse of schemes in the field. Reasons: why the shifted to another ERP system (SAP) By 2005 Dabur felt the need of maintaining two independent ERP systems for the company. They were facing some of the issues like there were still data redundancies and inconsistencies in the database system. Substantial amount of rework was essential in just data format translation between the two systems. It still did not provide a holistic image and thus posed troubles in formulating a policy or taking business significant decisions. Maintenance cost of MGF/PRO was also very high. Dabur realized that it is not just the operational excellence it needed but in also needed decision support infrastructure and as a result of this the proposal of a solitary organization wide ERP implementation was planned in Dabur. So, with the help of Accenture, Dabur implemented strategic and operational changes by implementation of organization wide SAP core modules. 3RD ERP implementation SAP (major change) Migrated from standalone Enterprise Resourse Planning systems which includes Baan and Mfg to centralized SAP ERP system from 1st April, 2006 for all the business units of dabur. Dabur implemented a country wide new Wide Area Network infrastructure for running centralized Enterprise resourse planning system and setting up of new data center at KCO head office in Ghaziabad. Addition of system to the distributors for capturing Secondary Sales Data information to collect near real-time pipeline information was done by 2004. Dabur decided to turn round out the IT services to the latest plants in the country. Dabur is no immunity with respect to other industries and realized it needed to execute enhanced and quickly and make more rapid decisions in order to outpace its upper class in revenue and prosperity growth. Accenture projected infront of dabur that Dabur to improve its supply chain management, to meet such goals and sales and distribution capabilities should also be improved and use IT as a strategic enabler for its business strategy. This incorporated migration to a nimbler outsourcing model that would create significance through quickness and sustain business initiatives and safeguarding of its SAP ERP system. SAP basically, was selected due to the extensive experience in India and it is used by its competitors also. How Accenture helped Dabur Accenture proposed that Dabur improve its sales and distribution services and supply chain management capabilities and use information technology as a tactical enabler for its business strategy. From an IT standpoint, Accenture suggested a two-pronged strategy to Dabur that includes resettlement to a nimbler outsourcing model that would create value through nimbleness and hold up business initiatives and protection of its SAP enterprise resource planning system. Accenture assembled a group of extremely trained industry experts so that it can bring these initiatives to life, as well as some professionals who have widespread SAP design and implementation experience in this field which was an important factor. It implemented a new sales and distribution strategy and in this Accenture helped in developing a widespread strategy that was noticeable as Daburs first significant endeavour to identify key customer segments in urban and rural markets, customize sales programs for key accounts and reorganize Daburs sales teams by one of four trade channels. There was some profit from these initiatives like increase in annual sales by 17% whereas amplify in profits by over 40% performance more operational effectiveness and cutting down of costs. Operational Benefits Impact Lost Sales -40% Forecast Error -53% Full, on time delivers +7% Rolling production plan adherence +73% Accenture supported this business approach with a lucrative IT solution. It has developed in-house over several platforms, which captured actionable information crosswise the national footprint of practically 500 distributors. In the area like that of product distribution, the desired team focused on bolstering the efficiencies and rural market diffusion and designed a channel-specific strategy for chemist , modern trade, wholesalers and convenience stores. In just the beginning of a supplementary efficient sales program, Accenture paid special consideration to how Dabur might recover service to Indian extra-large retailers, which are likely to account for an additional 15 percent of consumer product sales by 2010. For this group of customers, the group recognized a totally new operating model that includes a pricing architecture framework to aid negotiations and revised role and odd jobs for each and every one members of the trade field force. In devising this strategy, the Accenture and Dabur team optimized the companys distribution processes and internal logistics for mega retail customers, and put incentives in set to drive definite goals such as uniformity of sales in grocery stores, increased sales via wholesale channels. 4th ERP implementation SAP APO (Current Scenario) Automating forecasting: Dabur hence decided to automate the procedure to develop its forecasting procedure. The company was already running SAP ERP from 2006 and decided to put into practice SAPs Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO).To guarantee the precision of SAP APO, chronological data was deconstructed to originate the baseline sales and impact of ATL/BTL inputs. Dabur has to a great extent gets benefits from SAP APO with enhanced business outcomes. Project was divided into four different phases. The first phase was Diagnosis in which design and organisation structure was done. It also established the potential opportunity size and the business case. In the second phase the design of the supply chain took place. The third phase the actual implementation of APO modules took place. In the last phase the actuall running took place (April 2010). Once you have input the growth target the entire sales volume plan will be generated. All the other calculations are in real time like required capacity planning, markets where we can get more business. The ERP system will then convert the sales which was forecasted into the real/actual sales at factory level. Changes experienced in top line, bottom line and inventory turnover due to ERP implementation Before the deployment, the lost sales which were earlier accounted to 6% were decreased to 3.75%. More-over the companys error forecast was also reduced from 85 to 40 percent and its forecast accuracy amplified from 25 to over 60 percent. Achieving this act in less than eight months was a enormous success for Dabur. This would not have been possible exclusive of a business benefit-led move towards to the exercise moderately than an IT-led approach. With the recent execution of ERP, the effectiveness of the distribution and logistics network is expected to advance more in the future. Consumer health division grew by 12.5%, that division has been impacted in the first quarter by the ERP platform changeover. Future Challenges Forward integration of SAP with distributors and stockists is a big challenge. Implementation of SAP HR and payroll has to be done. Along with this backward integration os SAP suppliers. Conclusion The implementation of ERP system in a consumer goods company is an enormous complex undertaking, ERP system can effect every aspect of organizational functioning and design.ERP system lead to highly standardised and highly computerised information. A strong program management approach and an implementation partner having good business understanding and proven experience were other factors that served as catalysts.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Eric Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development Essay -- Erikson’s Ei

According to Eric Erikson, there are eight different social stages a person must go through as they mature. Each stage has a positive characteristic and a negative characteristic. If positive characteristics are fulfilled then their future will look good. So to what extent can the lack of reinforcement to the positive characteristics of Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development effect you? The effects can be quite horrifying. Especially if all of the stages the only characteristics fulfilled are the negative aspects. Erikson’s first stage was trust verses mistrust and it occurred from zero to 18 months of age. The point of this stage is to establish trust. Erikson believed this was the most important period in a person’s life. Since a baby depends entirely on his/her parents, the care giving plays an important role in the shaping of this stage (Cherry, 2011). If the child successfully develops trust then the child will feel safe and secure in the world, but the lack can lead to thoughts of an inconsistent and unpredictable world (Cherry, 2011). In the business world, the lack of trust can create a whole new problem. The lack of trust can lead to the â€Å"†¦unseen cost in life and business†¦Ã¢â‚¬  as said by Stephen Covey (2006). Lack of trust creates â€Å"†¦hidden agendas and a guarded communication, which slows the decision-making process† (Covey, 2006). When there isn’t trust in a situation, it hinders productivity, innovation (Covey, 2006). The second stage is autonomy verses shame and doubt. This occurs from about 18 months of age to 3 years old. The basic virtue of this stage is will; can they do things on their own or do they require the help of others? Erikson believed that children around this age wanted to develop a greater sense... ...r past with little or no regrets and will be satisfied overall. If a person is unsuccessful in this phase they will feel that they wasted their life and they will only think of regrets. They will feel despair (Cherry, 2011). Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development were complex, but simple. It is something everyone will go through and experiences will always be different. The lack of reinforcement to the positive aspects of his stages can lead to quite a disaster. Surprisingly, previous stages are highly influential to the proceeding stage. The lack of reinforcement to the positive aspects of his psychosocial stages can have a very devastating effect on a person. This is because the effects built up rather than taking the place of one another. The effects are quite horrifying, but with the right environment, experiences and beliefs, everything can go well.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Research Findings on Mid Day Meal Essay

Some research findings on Mid Day Meal Scheme conducted by independent agencies reported that MDM programme is a visible programme and has helped in increase in attendance and enrolment of children particularly girls. They also reported that there is an increase in retention, learning ability and achievement as well as greater social equity among caste, creed, sex and gender groups in the schools. The main research findings are as under: i) Research findings (2010) of Pratichi trust of Prof. Amartya Kumar Sen: Unlike many other Government programmes, implementation of MDM has been a success throughout the country. Though the quality of food needs to be improved, it must be said that with active participation of the beneficiaries, it has become a community programme. The quick response of the state administration in amending the shortcomings indicates that the administration is gradually becoming aware of this. ii) The major findings of the PROBE (Public Report on Basic Education) Report indicated that 84% of households reported that the children get cooked mid day meal in schools and children enjoy varied menu. Good practices like washing hands before eating, & after eating are imparted in the schools. Incentives like MDM have contributed to improving enrolment rates. iii) Mid Day Meal Scheme in Madhya Pradesh by National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development, Indore has reported that MDM has shown marked improvement in enrollment pattern of children in primary schools. Mid Day Meal Scheme undoubtedly resulted in increased school attendance and retention of children in schools for a longer period. The Scheme has played a crucial role in reducing drop out, especially among girls. Parents viewed that the mid day meal had reduced the burden of providing one time meal to  their children and considered it as a great support to their families. Teachers opined that mid day meal aided in active learning of children, which indirectly improved their academic performance. The Scheme has played a significant role in bringing social equity among all the sections of the society. iv) An empirical study conducted on Mid Day Meal scheme in Khurda district of Orissa, revealed that cooked mid day meal has increased socialization among the children and helped in increasing enrolment and afternoon session attendance. MDM has created new employment opportunities for underprivileged sections. v) Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2010 reported that in 83.4% schools served MDM on a day of visit and almost same percent of schools (81.3%) schools were having kitchen sheds for cooking mid day meal. A vastly improved availability of mid day meals had contributed to the increase in enrollment. vi) vii) 2. Supreme Court Commissioners undertake extensive review of various welfare schemes through field visits. They have observed that the MDM is widely acknowledged as one of the most successful schemes of GOI. Increase in enrollment and attendance of children in primary schools has been noticed after the introduction of MDM. Performance audit (2011) conducted by Centre for Environment and Food Security on food security schemes in Orissa and Uttar Pradesh; The sample survey in 130 villages spread over 12 districts of Orissa and Uttar Pradesh (Bundelkhand) was carried out and reported that performance of the MDM scheme is far better in Orissa in comparison with the Uttar Pradesh. An overwhelming 86.7 per cent of Orissa’s children were getting second best category of MDM (regular but inadequate and unsatisfactory meal), only 51.8 per cent of children in UP were getting regular but inadequate and unsatisfactory meal in their schools. Findings of Evaluation Study by Planning Commission Performance Evaluation of Cooked Mid Day Meal Scheme – study conducted by Programme Evaluation Organization of Planning Commission (2010): The highlights of the Study conducted by the Planning Commission are as under: i. The Cooked Mid Day Meal Program has been successful in addressing classroom hunger in sample schools. ii. Cooked Mid Day Meal is reported to have created a platform for children of all social and economic backgrounds to take meals together, thereby facilitating achieving the objective of social equity. iii. It has also been observed that the programme has resulted in the diversion of the attention of teachers and students on activities related to it, rather than towards teaching and learning activities, which results in loss of studies. iv. In general, visible shortage of basic infrastructural facilities and manpower (that are crucial for the success of the Cooked Mid Day Meal programme) were noted. v. Most of the states, it was observed, did not follow the guidelines of Government of India to deliver foodgrains at the school point by PDS dealer, thereby resulting in the leakage of foodgrains. There have been instances where due to long supply chain, foodgrains supplied got adulterated and pilfered. vi. While Cooked Mid-Day Meal Scheme seems to have contributed to an increase in the attendance in schools across the country, it does not seem to have any significant impact on fresh enrolments in sample schools. 3. Review of the Scheme by Supreme Court Commissioners Supreme Court Commissioners are monitoring all welfare Schemes of the Central Government including Mid Day Meal Scheme. They have monitored seven States viz. Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Orissa and West Bengal during 2010-11. The main recommendations of the reports are as under: i) Delay in release of funds to school / implementing agencies. ii) The mid day meal should be expected to cover all children in the school going age irrespective of whether they are enrolled in school. The location of meal served can continue to be the school; this might further encourage those out of school to join schools. iii) The provision for cooking costs under the mid day meal should be increased based on Price Index developed for Mid Day Meal Scheme to counter the effect of inflation. iv) Proper infrastructure for mid day meals should be mandatory, including cooking sheds storage space, drinking water, ventilation, utensils etc. v) Mobilization for kitchen garden in school premises should be encouraged. vi) Priority should be given to disadvantaged communities (especially Dalits and Adivasis) in the appointment of cooks and helpers. All cooks and helpers should be paid not less than statutory minimum wage. vii) Mid day meal should be linked with nutrition education and related educational activities. State Government should be encouraged to adept their text books for this purpose, as the NCERT has already done for some text books. viii) Nutritious items such as eggs and green vegetables should be provided regularly. ix) Serious action should be taken in the event of any form of social discrimination in mid day meal such as discrimination against dalit children or dalit cooks. x) Community participation in the monitoring of Mid day meal should be strengthened, particularly to prevent corruption and ensure quality. xi) Mid day meal should be integrated with school health services, including immunization, de-worming, growth monitoring, health checkups and micronutrient supplementation. xii) Grievance redressal mechanism must be within easily reachable distance of complainant and should therefore be decentralized to Panchayat level. It could also consist of mobile camps that reach out to each village. *********

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

RAYMOND CARVER'S "WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT LOVE" Stories, be they written or on screen, usually employ setting as a backdrop and having no direct relation to the actual storyline progression. This, however, is not the case in Raymond Carver’s tale â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.† In this short story, a single element – sunlight – reflects(no pun intended) the progression of the story, showing a direct relation between the characters openness in talking about love, their knowledge on the subject, their mood, the point of discussion as well as their confidence in their own abilities. As we will soon see, the element of sunlight will take us into four different levels of progression, helping us to dissect and better understand its role within the story. In the first phase of the story, when â€Å"Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big window behind the sink† the mood in the room is one of general happiness; the two couples are joking with each other, smiling and being affectionate as we see when Nick admires Laura’s fingers and also kisses her hand. (Carver 170) Their main point of discussion is about Terri’s ex-boyfriend, Ed, and how mentally unstable he was. During this conversation, we see that there is no sense of openness in the discussion, as it is only Mel and Terri that speak while Laura and Nick are more reserved, content to just listen to the stories rather than partake in the conversation themselves. The one thing that everyone does share, however, is their level of knowledge on the subject of love. Mel states quite simply that â€Å"I know what I know. That’s all† (Carver 170). Terri is also equally unequivocal in her understanding, saying â€Å"Say what you want to, but I know it w as† when talking about Ed’s love for her. (Carver 170) This also happens to be the one time early in the story that Laura shares her thoughts, stating â€Å"Well, Nick and I know what love is† to ill... Free Essays on What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Free Essays on What We Talk About When We Talk About Love RAYMOND CARVER'S "WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT LOVE" Stories, be they written or on screen, usually employ setting as a backdrop and having no direct relation to the actual storyline progression. This, however, is not the case in Raymond Carver’s tale â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.† In this short story, a single element – sunlight – reflects(no pun intended) the progression of the story, showing a direct relation between the characters openness in talking about love, their knowledge on the subject, their mood, the point of discussion as well as their confidence in their own abilities. As we will soon see, the element of sunlight will take us into four different levels of progression, helping us to dissect and better understand its role within the story. In the first phase of the story, when â€Å"Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big window behind the sink† the mood in the room is one of general happiness; the two couples are joking with each other, smiling and being affectionate as we see when Nick admires Laura’s fingers and also kisses her hand. (Carver 170) Their main point of discussion is about Terri’s ex-boyfriend, Ed, and how mentally unstable he was. During this conversation, we see that there is no sense of openness in the discussion, as it is only Mel and Terri that speak while Laura and Nick are more reserved, content to just listen to the stories rather than partake in the conversation themselves. The one thing that everyone does share, however, is their level of knowledge on the subject of love. Mel states quite simply that â€Å"I know what I know. That’s all† (Carver 170). Terri is also equally unequivocal in her understanding, saying â€Å"Say what you want to, but I know it w as† when talking about Ed’s love for her. (Carver 170) This also happens to be the one time early in the story that Laura shares her thoughts, stating â€Å"Well, Nick and I know what love is† to ill...