Saturday, February 29, 2020


STUDY OF DIGITAL FILTER SHARPENING - Dissertation Example This dissertation tells that in the engineer’s daily work on dealing with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for clients, he is often faced with several challenges that hinder the successful implementation of his task. The challenges come in diverse forms but one of such common challenges in the engineer dealing with digital signal processing has to do with system specification problems. These system specification failures often cause symmetric FIR filters in the entire software being used in the work not to function or work as it should. In a situation like this, most experts suggest a reduction in passband ripple or the increase in stopband attenuation. The fact of the situation however remains that the engineer is not always privileged to have access to any filter design software at his disposal to enable the reduction of passband ripple or the increment of the stopband attenuation. The latter scenario always happens and most engineers are always confused and limited in ideas. It is for typical situations like this that the researcher has put this research work together to serve as a catalyst for coming out with workable interventions that can be fallen upon in hard times such as the one described in the scenario. Though the researcher admits that the problem may be confronting and highly frustrating, it comes with a number of solutions, one of which is the practice of making do with the existing filter and sharpening it. This therefore brings to the floor, the issue of digital filter sharpening in handling system specification failure cases in basic engineering. ... It is against this background that the ASKAP Project (2009) mentions some expected specifications for the DSP system specifications. Among the specifications is the fact that the DSP system should be in a position to handle computed load of not less than 1 peta (1015) operations for each given second. Simultaneously, there should be a continuous flow of data at a rate of 70 Tera (1012) bits per second. In the event of all these, the practice of filtering is not eliminated. In fact, one of the major operations of the DSP system has always remained the â€Å"digitizing, filtering and beamforming of the data from the individual phased array feeds† (ASKAP Project, 2009). Anything less of the specified rate of performance calls for a reinforcement, which in the case of this research work is going to be the sharpening of available filters. Statement of the Problem The problem at hand has to do with the persistent failure in system requirements and specification for working on digita l signal processing (DSP) at a time when an engineer may not have access to filter design software to reduce passband ripple or increase stopband attenuation. It has been hypothesized through preliminary literature research that there could exist a number of interventions to handle the situation. Among the interventions however, the problem will be tackled from a perspective where the original symmetric FIR filters that was at the disposal of the engineer would be fallen on by sharpening it to get the systems back to functionality. Filter sharpening has been used for a number of complex digital signal processing; especially digital filter sharpening. Ultimately, digital

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Monastic Buddhism in South East Asia Research Paper

Monastic Buddhism in South East Asia - Research Paper Example Within a modern context, Buddhism may be divided into two separate schools which are known as Theravada, also known as ‘Southern’, Buddhism and Mahayana, which is called ‘Northern’, Buddhism. Theravada is the main tradition within Sri Lanka and it is thought that this country has had the most ancient incessant history of Buddhism. (Kapstein, 1087) Mahayana, on the other hand, is the leading Buddhist tradition found in Tibet and, although the geneses of this tradition are debatable, it is a diverse and varying tradition from that of the Theravada. (Jones, 121) The Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist conventions share ordinary viewpoints such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and Dependent Origination. Other similarities include similar principles such as Anicca, Dukkha, Annata, Sila, Samadhi, and Panna. In addition to this, the two traditions also share a rejection of the notion of a supreme creator. However, Theravada and Mahayana differ on some impor tant aspects such as the final goal of practice and their perspective on the notion of Buddha-nature as well as other doctrinal differences. There are neither rites of passage nor a special ceremony in becoming Buddhist. There is a long process of disciplinary training and education given to those seeking to become a monk (Bhikkhu). Anyone seeking to become a Bhikkhu is known as a novice. ... ly and no other monks has any objection to the given answers, this person is acknowledged into the Sangha, the monk community, and in this way, their training commences. Southeast Asian Countries and Monastic Education According to historical findings, Thaton was an operational port of call on the course between India and other prominent countries of southeastern Asia. From religious perspective, missionaries happened to come regularly from the eminent mission training centers of Conjeeveram and Amaravati and proceeded on from there to Cambodia, Thailand, and Java. At that time, though, these missionaries were Theravada Buddhists and the region around Thaton remained Theravada, it should be kept in mind that side by side with the stretch of Theravada, there was also a tough Mahayana movement from China, Malaya, Cambodia, and northern India. When King Anawrahta controlled to the throne in Pagan in northern Myanmar, he was not happy with the religious practice of his people, which was a weird combination of Tantrism, Mahayana, and Hinduism. So, when he held meeting the Arahat Shin Arahan and came to know about the simple yet reflective teaching of the Theravada, he was instantly converted and requested the Arahat to stay at Pagan for the establishment of the Dhamma. At Arahan's suggestion, King Anawrahta asked the king of Thaton for some relics and copies of the Tipitaka, and when he was refused, he attacked and occupied Thaton and brought to Pagan all the relics and copies of the Tipitaka as well as a large number of monks to sermonize the Dhamma. He ruled over most of Myanmar, established communications with the Buddhists of Ceylon, and started a great building program at Pagan which continued for two centuries until the country was overrun by the armies of Kublai

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Theology of Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theology of Death - Essay Example Still, whatever we may think, death is with us virtually every day - in news reports, in films, books, and, sadly, sometimes right around us when somebody whom we have known passes away. That is why everyone is instigated by circumstances to form a peculiar vision of death, which could be called ones own theology of death. Personally, I try to base my theology of death not only on some banal reasoning but on ideas advanced by theologians and philosophers as well. For example, an interesting and thought provoking opposition of views on death can be found in the account of a symposium "Extended Life, Eternal Life". There, one speaker, a terminally ill Diogenes Allen, voiced his view of the fundamental inferiority of human life, which, if indefinitely extended, at some point would no longer be able to satisfy us because of its repetitious nature. This, as Allen reasons, turns death into a kind of blessing, as it finally opens the way for Gods perfect love, the tempting essence of which one may anticipate already during our earthly being. In his turn, another speaker Neil Gillman sees no redemptive function in death as he proclaims it to be mans enemy.