Friday, May 31, 2019

how jails came to be in america :: essays research papers

The Long and Winding Road How Jails Came to Be in the States The guards here believe that the tougher, colder, and more cruel and inhuman a place is, the less chance a person will return. This is non true. The more proscribe experiences a person goes through, the more he turns into a violent, cruel, mean, heartless individual, I know this to be a fact Annonymous Prisoner, The Trauma of Prison Rape (Manner 130)The captive described the truth of jails as he is experiencing them now, while the original Quaker intentions had something much different in mind. The Quakers, who were led under William Penn, were the first group to typeset up an institutionalized system in the United States that dealt with punishment. Since the original plans were developed for the prison system, the goal and intentions have been reformed time and time again. Although jails are speculate to be a place of rehabilitation, the reality is that they are actually a hotbed for spurring criminals more violent t hen when they were first admitted. Before jails were even enforced in America, the colonists had quite a different approach to punishment that led to how jails came to be. The original outlook of criminals came from the Colonists religious belief that criminals were sinners who were workers of the dun. The Colonists felt they had to be protected from devils workforce and therefore criminals must have their name run into the ground, be cast out of the town, or in the most extreme cases be hung. Before the Colonists accepted institutions, they looked to public humiliation as a means of correcting the lesser criminals. The harsher punishments, such as death, were given to people who were believed to be beyond redemption. But, with development populations due to industrialization of cities townspeople grew less and less known to one another. With less recognition between citizens the thought of public humiliation as a punishment was weakening as a threat. On top of that, people were b eginning to grow weary that capital punishment may have been in addition barbaric and overall ineffective. Yet, the colonists were still not completely convinced to utilize jails. The hesitation was a result of the community feeling that most men were not salvageable and institutionalizing them would only be rewarding. Although, this conception began to unravel in the late 1600s when the Pennsylvania Quakers came up with a plan that would eventually be accepted.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Who Is To Blame? :: essays research papers fc

Who Is To Blame?At a home game against the capital of Indiana Pacers, Detroit Pistons Center Ben Wallace reacted with fury against Pacers forward Ron Artest after a hard technical foul by Artest. An argument ensued followed by a shoving score between the two which got both teams involved. In a matter of minutes the brawl escalated into the seats of the fans, with some fans throwing fists and full cups of beer at the athlete, prompting what began as a simple altercation on the court into all out mayhem. Ron Artest, Anthony Johnson, David Harrison, Jermaine ONeal and Stephen Jackson of the pacers and Ben Wallace of the Detroit Pistons as a result missed a significant portion of the mending season from suspensions as a result. Ron Artest was suspend for the remainder of the season. Four fans were banned from the home arena of the Detroit Pistons and lost his season tickets for future home games. The five suspended players of the Indiana Pacers as well as the four fans with ticket ban s face charges in August in a Michigan Courtroom (Corbin).When situations occur when the fans and the athletes stimulate into confrontations, both the athlete and the fans involved must be held responsible. Too often fans get too rowdy and incite confrontations, by throwing cups of beer, chairs, fists and at times even so screaming racial slurs. In almost every shield of player/fan altercations, the athlete is viewed as the perpetrator in the eye of public opinion. In the view of many major media outlets such as ESPN and various network and cable news segments, and as well as in those of sportswriters, the fans have leverage because their tickets, concessions, and their contributions in television ratings collectively pay for the salaries of these athletes. In other words, the fans pay the bills of the athlete, so its almost as if they can do no wrong. however the flaw in this logic is that too little blame is placed on the fan and managements lack of control of their behavior. In the case such as the one which the riot occurred in Detroit, fans should be held just as accountable as the athletes and justice should be served not only at heart the jurisdiction of the NBA, but also of the law.One detail which must not be lost is that fights occur in both levels of sport, fans among fans and athletes among athletes.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Taiwan Earthquake - The 9-21 Earthquake (September 21 1999) :: essays research papers

chinaware Earthquake - The 9-21 Earthquake (September 21 1999)CNN A special news report-This morning, there was an earthquake registering 7.6 on the Richter scale shaked Taiwan at 145am on September 21,1999. The epicenter is a mile under the ground in Nantou near Puli. there are m whatsoever buildings crushed, and still a twelve floor-high rise building suddenly became a two floor- high rise building (the first to the sixth floors dipped into the underground, and the seventh to the duodecimal floors went diagonally down and damaged the road.) As of press time the Disaster Management Center said 2,034 people were confirmed dead. Another 6,536 were injured and 2,308 were trapped, bit 208 were still listed as missing. The number still increases, Taiwan has many earthquakes, and although most are centered under the sea and cause no damage. Some relieve oneself brought disaster to the island, but this time is the biggest earthquake in Taiwanese history. Taiwanese call it the 9-21 e arthquake because it happened on September 21 1999. I was at my snuff it place, I had heard the news there was a building crushed in Taipei because of a serious earthquake was registering 7.6 happened in Taiwan slightly an hour ago. I was so happy and careless because my entire family dose not live close to Taipei and I did not have any bad information about central Taiwan. During my lunch break, there was updating news from CNN station the epicenter of this earthquake is in Nantou near Puli. My heart was rocklike and cold, after I knew the epicenter was in my grandmothers hometown-Puli. Nantou County is approximately 200km south of Taipei, and it is the only place not around the ocean in Taiwan. There are only mountains around Nantou, and Puli is a small town in Nantou County. There are about two thousand people in Puli, and its wine, rice noodles, and beauty are the most famous things in Taiwan because Puli has real good and clean spring water, and the air quality is the top of the line- no pollution. unless Puli is a small town, and all the people in Puli are like a big family. People know everything in the town, and they knew me since I was born. It is a very different environment and experience in Puli than in America, and I love it very much. It was hard to believe that Mother Nature punished Puli and Taiwan so badly.